-- OLD WAY -- Register an addition neighbour to trade with. saltTrader:registerAsset({ DataType = "TRADING_VILLAGE", Id = SaltPrefix .. "_VILLAGE_NANTES", Heraldry = "ICON_" .. CommonResourceSalt, Description = SaltPrefix .. "_VILLAGE_NANTES_DESC", VillageName = "Nantes", --RESOURCE QUANTITY PAIR UnlockCost = { { Resource = "GOLD", Quantity = 300 } }, ResourceTradingReplenishDelay = 300.0, --BUYING RESOURCE TRADING INFO BuyingResourceList = { { ResourceMaxAmount = { Resource = "HONEY", Quantity = 30 }, ReplenishingAmount = 10, }, { ResourceMaxAmount = { Resource = "HERBS", Quantity = 30 }, ReplenishingAmount = 10, } }, --SELLING RESOURCE TRADING INFO SellingResourceList = { { ResourceMaxAmount = { Resource = CommonResourceSalt, Quantity = 50 }, ReplenishingAmount = 20, } }, Allegeance = "CLERGY", ResourceNeededToUpgrade = "BERRIES", TradeRouteUpgradeNarrativePanelTemplate = "NARRATIVE_PANEL_TEMPLATE_TRADE_ROUTE_UPGRADE", WorldGuiIcon = "ICON_" .. CommonResourceSalt, UpgradeEventEnvoyProfile = "PROFILE_ENVOY_ROYAL", }) -- NEW WAY -- Register an addition neighbour to trade with. saltTrader:registerAsset({ DataType = "TRADING_VILLAGE", Id = SaltPrefix .. "_VILLAGE_NANTES", Heraldry = "ICON_" .. CommonResourceSalt, Description = SaltPrefix .. "_VILLAGE_NANTES_DESC", VillageName = "Nantes", --RESOURCE QUANTITY PAIR UnlockCost = { { Resource = "GOLD", Quantity = 300 } }, ResourceTradingReplenishDelay = 300.0, --BUYING RESOURCE TRADING INFO BuyingResourceList = { "HONEY", "HERBS" }, --SELLING RESOURCE TRADING INFO SellingResourceList = { CommonResourceSalt }, Allegeance = "CLERGY", ResourceNeededToUpgrade = "BERRIES", TradeRouteUpgradeNarrativePanelTemplate = "NARRATIVE_PANEL_TEMPLATE_TRADE_ROUTE_UPGRADE", WorldGuiIcon = "ICON_" .. CommonResourceSalt, UpgradeEventEnvoyProfile = "PROFILE_ENVOY_ROYAL", })