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Data types


local value = true


Integer number

local value = 42


Floating-point number with single precision

local value = 17.44


Floating-point number with double precision

local value = -61.7267023355


local value = "String value"


2D integer vector

To initialize a vec2i with x = 54 and y = 97:

local value = { 54, 97 }


2D float vector

To initialize a vec2f with x = 73 and y = 15.66:

local value = { 73.0, 15.66 }


3D integer vector

To initialize a vec3i with x = 19, y = 86 and z = 45:

local value = { 19, 86, 45 }


3D float vector

To initialize a vec3f with x = -15.71, y = -71 and z = 93.03:

local value = { -15.71, -71.0, 93.03 }


4D float vector representing a rotation

To initialize a quaternion with x = 0.302268, y = 0.075567, z = 0.6347627 and w = 0.7071068:

local value = { 0.302268, 0.075567, 0.6347627, 0.7071068 }

Quaternion properties can also be set with a vec3f containing the euler angles in degrees.


A color is stored as four float numbers, representing the four channels. Each channel can have a value superior to 1, in case of HDR use.

To initialize a color with R = 1, G = 0.549, B = 0 and A = 0.9 (dark orange with 90% opacity; hex FF8C00E6):

local value = { 1, 0.549, 0, 0.9 }


A 2D polygon is a list of 2D points (vec2f) defining a shape.

To initialize a square polygon with a side length of 4.5 and centered around the point [1; 1]:

local value = {
    { 5.5, 5.5 },
    { 5.5, -3.5 },
    { -3.5, -3.5 },
    { -3.5, 5.5 }

You can also create simple polygons with the following functions:

  • polygon.createRectangle(_size [, _offset])
Name Type Description
_size vec2f Size of the rectangle
_offset vec2f Offset of the center of the rectange from [0; 0]
  • polygon.createCircle(_radius [, _offset [, _step]])
Name Type Description
_radius float Radius of the circle
_offset vec2f Offset of the center of the circle from [0; 0]
_step integer Amount of sides of the circle
preview/data-type.1576710522.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/18 18:08 by maxime

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