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dependencies [2020/07/14 13:15] (current) maxime
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 +====== Dependencies ======
 +===== Hard dependency =====
 +If your mod depends on features/content created in another mod, you can declare this other mod as a hard dependency of yours. Doing so will warn players if they try to use your mod without its dependencies.
 +To declare dependencies for your mod, add a ''"Dependencies"'' table in your ''mod.json''. Each entry in this table requires the name of the dependency mod (''"Name"''), and its ID (''"Id"'', you can find it in the dependency's ''generated_ids.lua'' file).
 +<file json mod.json [enable_line_numbers="true", highlight_lines_extra="9,10,13,14"]>
 + "Name": "Mod Name",
 + "Author": "Author of the mod",
 + "Description": "Description of the mod",
 + "Version": "1.0.0",
 + "Dependencies": [
 + {
 + "Id": "81f7891c-d992-4b27-beff-617a276bab4c",
 + "Name": "First dependency mod"
 + },
 + {
 + "Id": "28eac88d-a14a-45fa-842f-710839386b77",
 + "Name": "Second dependency mod"
 + },
 + ...
 + ]
 +===== Soft dependency =====
 +If your mod uses another mod's content but can still work without it, this other mod is considered as a soft dependency. In this case, you can test in your script if this mod is already loaded with ''[[foundation-library-functions#isModLoaded|foundation.isModLoaded]]'':
 +<file json mod.json [enable_line_numbers="true"]>
 +-- Test if the mod I depend on is loaded
 +if (foundation.isModLoaded("5d2565f1-3083-4a53-8366-8f2a2e1c4690")) then
 +    ....
 +    ....
dependencies.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/14 13:15 by maxime

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