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Mod IO functions

All these functions are available on your mod object


Checks if a file exists in the mod directory.

Returns true if the file is inside the mod directory and exists, false otherwise

boolean myMod:fileExists(filePath)

Name Type Description
filePath string the relative path to the file, inside the mod directory


Checks if a directory exists in the mod directory

Returns true if the directory is inside the mod directory and exists, false otherwise

boolean myMod:directoryExists(directoryPath)

Name Type Description
directoryPath string the relative path to the directory, inside the mod directory


Reads a whole file as a single string

Returns true and the file content string if the file exists and it could be read. Else, it returns false and nil

boolean, string myMod:readFileAsString(filePath)

Name Type Description
filePath string the relative path to the file, inside the mod directory


Writes a string in a file

Returns true if the file writing succeeded, false otherwise

boolean myMod:writeFileAsString(filePath, fileContent)

Name Type Description
filePath string the relative path to the file, inside the mod directory
fileContent string the content to write in the file


Creates a directory in the mod directory

Returns true if the directory creation succeeded, false otherwise

boolean myMod:createDirectory(directoryPath)

Name Type Description
directoryPath string the relative path to the directory, inside the mod directory


Moves/renames a file or directory within the mod directory

Returns true if the moving/renaming succeeded,false otherwise

boolean myMod:moveFile(sourcePath, destinationPath)

Name Type Description
sourcePath string the relative path to the file to move/rename, inside the mod directory
destinationPath string the relative path to the destination, inside the mod directory


Deletes a file within the mod directory

Returns true if the file was successfully deleted, false otherwise

boolean myMod:deleteFile(filePath)

Name Type Description
filePath string the relative path to the file to delete, inside the mod directory


Deletes a directory and all its content within the mod directory

Returns true if the directory was successfully deleted, false otherwise

boolean myMod:deleteDirectory(directoryPath)

Name Type Description
directoryPath string the relative path to the directory to delete, inside the mod directory
mod-io-functions.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/06 16:12 by maxime

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