
A New Era of Organic City-Building Simulation!

Minor Update: Alpha

Hi folks! We just published a new minor update. Here is the release note:

– Villagers will mostly use building entrance instead of going through walls
– Builders will be able to build a Monument if at least one building part is reachable
– Use some OpenGL 4.5 features when available
– Support OpenGL 4.3
– Stop the game and warn the user if Windows creates an OpenGL context lower than 4.3


Dev News #1

Hello everyone, welcome to our first Foundation Dev News!

It’s been two weeks since the Open Alpha is live and that new players can freely purchase the game and join our growing community. Since then, we did some update that fixed some crashes and helped supporting more PC configurations.

How can you play the game now

  • You can now purchase the game and get access to the Alpha now. Buy here!
  • If you pre-ordered the Early Access (Commoner or Peasant backer), you can upgrade your pledge to get access to the Open Alpha! Just create your Backer Account and follow the “Pledge Upgrade” link from your Account.

We’ve moved into our new office

We’ve finally taken possession of our new (and huge) office downtown Quebec City. It feels a bit alone in there while waiting for our friend studio Bishop Games to move in, but the team appreciates the tranquility. Moreover, two new persons will join our team soon:

  • Starting next Monday, a new programmer will join us. He’ll be responsible to develop tools in the engine and game functionalities.
  • Mid-August, a new employee will act as Office Manager. Her role will be to alleviate our managing burden and allow us – the Co-Founders – to concentrate on what we’re best at: developing videogames 🙂

What we are working on

  • A first exhaustive list of all Buildings/Monuments, Jobs, Resources and Needs has been designed. How would you like your villagers to fish, hunt and grow hop to produce beer? Yes, this is but a small preview of what we’ve added to the list.
  • Two new core systems are being implemented:
    • The Estate System is how you will progress in Foundation. It will be divided in 3 paths: Kingdom, Clergy and Labour. You will need to develop your village splendor and gain influence to gain access to new buildings and functionalities.

The Lord Manor is part of the Labour Estate

    • The Event System will add narrative and unpredictability to the game.

An event mock-up

  • New buildings/monuments are being created and integrated by the artists.
  • Pathfinding is being improved: Monuments with inaccessible parts will still be allowed to be built. Also, villagers will now enter the buildings by their proper entrance.
  • UI upscale for 4K screens is being implemented.

A roadmap so you can keep track of  the project

It was long due, and we did it, our first roadmap iteration has been created on Trello. Keep track on what we are working on and what’s to come by following the link: https://trello.com/b/i5AX944p/foundation-roadmap

You can help us translate Foundation in your language

That’s right, Foundation can support your native language and you can help us with that here:  https://crwd.in/foundation. If your native language is not in there, feel free to contact us at support@polymorph.games so we can add it!

New Community Content

Popular Youtube Videos

Some of the most popular videos made since the Open Alpha:

In English – Xterminator

In French – Bill Silverlight

In Russian – KerneX

Original Player Creations

For those who own the game, don’t hesitate to share your creations in our Discord #share_your_creations channel! Not on our Discord yet? Get the invite directly from your Polymorph Games account.

Foundation Open Alpha is playable now

Don’t forget that you can purchase the game and play the Alpha right now here: Buy now!

If you pre-ordered the Early Access (Commoner or Peasant backer), you can upgrade your pledge to get access to the Open Alpha! Just create your Backer Account and follow the “Pledge Upgrade” link from your Account.

That’s it for now! Thank you for reading and all the best from the Dev Team!


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