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Greetings beloved builders,
We hope you’ve been enjoying the user interface update we pushed last June. We know you’re eager for even more Foundation content, which is why today should be of particular interest to you as we officially launch the 1.8 Fall Update to shake things up!
New Buildings For All!
One of the most widely requested features for Foundation is the addition of new buildings for your settlements. You’ll be glad to know that the team has been hard at work to introduce not one, but two fresh production buildings for the game: the candle workshop and the common wares workshop!

Sharp-eyed players will also notice “Citizen” promoted villagers now have a second “Goods” need under their status. In addition to common clothes, they will now require common wares to be 100% satisfied. Talk about being entitled!
Construction Step Bundles for Added Immersion
While looking at ways to improve Foundation, it became apparent that the construction process for buildings needed work. We’ve asked ourselves how we could create a more logical and immersive experience. Before 1.8, builders would try to complete their tasks and stop if resources were insufficient. Now, they have to gather the required materials to the construction site beforehand. Only then will they be able to start working.
To go into more details, materials will be brought following the bundles’ order, to complete them as fast as possible. If a bundle is missing a material that is not in inventory, then the transporter will start to bring the resources for the other bundles.

Construction steps allow more flexibility for your city planning with the added benefit to be more in line with what you’d expect from working on buildings. You can start with the foundation of, say, a church, and come back to it later in order to complete work on the next step. This way, you’re never stuck in a rut!
The Ins and Outs of Stockpiling
One feature we recognized as in need of improved communication relates to stockpiling.
This feature allows you to prevent villagers from using resources by toggling the stockpiling function on or off in the resource panel. Or, alternatively, directly in the resource list of the Book. Very helpful when looking to complete delivery missions!
With 1.8, we have improved this communication with a warning when there are missing resources in a workplace due to stockpiling. Additionally, the stockpile icon now shows over resource icons in other panels and windows such as workplace inventories.

Even more QOL changes
Each new update is a chance for us to optimize the overall gameplay experience and refresh our existing systems. The 1.8 update is no exception. Here’s a preview of what’s in store for you the next time you launch Foundation:
- Added related resources in the villager needs tooltips
- Added tooltips on information module checkboxes
- New trader blocked notification
- Added inventory for all workplaces in condensed view
- Improved inventory issues feedback
- Building panels remember collapsed groups of parts
- Estates layout is now more compact
- Confirm renaming with Enter key
- And more!

Continued support towards the modding scene
Modding is close to our hearts. We enjoy how imaginative some of you are with Foundation. Get your creative juices flowing, because 1.8 introduces custom mandates for bailiffs! You heard that right: thanks to mods, bailiffs are no longer limited to gaining influence or inspecting mineral deposits. We can’t wait to see what you’ll end up with!
Previously, one of the only ways to contact modders was through the report tool—which proved to be a problem, as it’s not designed for this. Starting with 1.8, we fixed this by adding web links to all mods so it’s easier for you to connect with mod creators. The new link will open a browser where you can comment and get help directly from the mod creator.

We also added a dropdown filter for your mods. Rejoice!

We are eagerly looking forward to hearing from the community about the 1.8 update for Foundation!
1.8 Changelog
add: Common Wares Workshop
add: Candle Workshop
add: Additional parts can be unlocked for these buildings
add: construction step bundles
add: new tooltips
add: new resource icons
add: workplaces condensed view now displays a combined inventory (condensed view)
add: “trader blocked” notification
add: confirm renaming with Enter
add: collapsed masterpiece parts groups are remembered through all building panels
add: construction bundles topic in the help menu
add: tooltips and localization for building parts “Locate” and “Destroy” buttons
update: community localizations
improve: stockpile communication
improve: storage issues feedback
improve: hyperlinks style
improve: buttons (red/disabled/small)
improve: compacted estates layout
improve: now communicates max instance of a part
improve: dynamically update when unlocking building parts
fix: wooden keep doors
fix: info module buttons
add: custom mandates for bailiffs
add: debugging tools
add: weblinks to
add: mods dropdown sorting
add: expose wax resource
improve: minimized text cutoff in mod buttons that were too short
Modding Wiki
Modding documentation and changes can be found over on the modding wiki.
– The Polymorph Games Team