
A New Era of Organic City-Building Simulation!

Patch is now available

Greetings everyone!

The game has just been updated to version Here’s the highlights:


  • Newcomers will now properly spread around the Village Center
  • Removed the cloister condition of having a connected entrance
  • Layout for the What’s New window has been slightly adjusted
  • Updated localization

Bug Fixes

  • The initial warning window would not go away even if you checked the ‘do not remind me’ box
  • SSAO with specific hardware wasn’t working properly
  • The Automated Fountain masterpiece wasn’t displaying its name in the build menu
  • Snapping points of compatible parts weren’t reset after changing a sub-building function
  • The / month string (from the taxation toggle) wasn’t localized (is now / #MONTH)
  • The underline from tax tracking was removed after a change in the amount of coins
  • Interactive locations were being used even though buildings/buildings parts weren’t built
  • The Unlock the Merchandise Taxes on Market Stalls text was displaying 0 days left

Crash fixes

  • Crash related to having a Military Fort without an entrance
  • Crash related to monks arriving at a Hospitium
  • Other rare crash fixes


  • Exposed PlaCCompWarehouseSetuper

As always, we are more than happy to read your feedback about this new patch. Head over to our Discord channel if you want to chime in!


The 1.9 Update Is Now Live!

Greetings Lords & Ladies! 

Foundation’s Update 1.9 is finally available on GOG and Steam

The team has been hard at work to bring you quality content as part of a new and improved gameplay experience. 

Here’s a quick overview of what’s included.

Village Aspirations

A fundamental aspect of Foundation is the customisation of your experience, which is reflected in the game by the organic growth that makes each village unique. With 1.9, we wanted to go one step further and give you the ability to achieve Village Aspirations: optional objectives that offer different ways to play in order to nab sweet GOG or Steam achievements. Examples include building an Abbatial Church or having 100 citizens in your village

Village Aspirations are another way for us to not only increase the replayability of Foundation, but also to make it a somewhat more challenging experience.

Progression revised from the ground up

Update 1.9 changes several elements of Foundation, including the way you progress into the game. Now, each EstateUpdate 1.9 changes several elements of Foundation, including the way you progress into the game. Now, each Estate—whether it be Labour, Clergy or Kingdom—has several unlockables of its own. Investing influence in and thus favouring one Estate makes it more difficult to progress with the others. This dynamic requires more planning on your part and adds weight to your decisions without restricting your ambitions.

In addition to Estate-specific progression paths, there is also a common progression path, which includes quite a few essential production buildings in Foundation, such as the Warehouse, the Stonecutter Camp and the Fishing Hut. In e

In addition to Estate-specific progression paths, there is also a common progression path, which includes quite a few essential production buildings in Foundation, such as the Warehouse, the Stonecutter Camp and the Fishing Hut. In either case, you will need to reach different tiers of Prosperity before being able to unlock some of the most desirable options. This new measure of your success takes into account six factors: wealth, territory size, trade, population, splendor and beautification.

Our next updates will focus on upgrading both the Kingdom and Labor progression paths.

Edicts and privileges

You may have noticed that the progression page has a tab dedicated to edicts and privileges. This is another new feature introduced with Update 1.9. The first case represents what may be described as laws that you enact in your village. The second case represents rewards given by the different Estates to their most loyal Lords or Ladies.

Edicts and privileges grant important boons such as reducing a Splendor penalty between two Estates, increasing the market value of certain resources or reducing the maintenance cost of production buildings by half. They are unlocked with coins or influence points. Afterwards, you just have to choose the edicts or privileges you want to activate.

Buildings and sub-buildings

The city-building aspect is at the heart of the Foundation experience, so we wanted to let you expand the capabilities of your buildings. You can now assign functions to a group of building parts (what we call sub-buildings) instead of individual parts. Each sub-building will therefore be linked to a single function (e.g. Treasury) which you can change should you desire so.

In a few words, this means that a Monastery can now be home to a Chapel, a Scriptorium, a Hospitium, a Monastic Garden and so on. The same goes for a Market, which you can expand by adding a sub-building associated with a separate function from the parent building if you wish, such as a Luxury Goods Stall. At any time, it is possible to browse each of the functions of a parent building thanks to the “Parts List” tab.

A glorious Monastery

Progressing on the Clergy path, you’ll soon notice important changes. For starters, there are several new functions available, including a Hospitium that will host visitors, a Scriptorium that will help you produce Manuscripts used to promote your faithfuls or a Cloister where they can medidate while fulfilling a new need. Moreover, you will have the pProgressing on the Clergy path, you’ll soon notice important changes. For starters, there are several new functions available, including a Hospitium that will host visitors, a Scriptorium that will help you produce Manuscripts used to promote your faithfuls or a Cloister where they can meditate while fulfilling a new need. Moreover, you will have the pleasure of building a prettified Abbatial Church: our artists have done a great job upgrading its visuals for your enjoyment!


Previously, Foundation’s economy was largely tied to market stalls. With Update 1.9, taxation replaces the main way to fill your coffers. The Manor House now has a Tax Office function, which is combined with the Tax Collector job. Each house accumulates coins over time, and it’s up to you to decide how heavily your village will be taxed. But beware: people are not too keen on having to pay much, so there is a balance to be struck so as not to collapse your global Happiness factor!

Even more modding possibilities

In keeping with our commitment to the modding community, we’ve outlined several new features that are sure to have a snowball effect in the coming weeks. Without getting too technical, the major changes to unlockables, the progression system and narrative choices will certainly result in the creation of mods that we’ll be happy to share with you!

Looking forward to a bright future

Foundation’s 1.9 update is multi-faceted and marks an important milestone in our Early Access (EA) journey. We hope you will enjoy how we reimagined some of the existing systems while adding more depth to the core medieval city-building experience.

As for what the future holds, in the short term work has already started on a first patch to fix newly discovered bugs. At a later date, and after focusing a lot on the Clergy progression path—particularly the Monastery—we want to give the other two Estates the attention they deserve. We plan to overhaul the Kingdom and Labor progression paths, in that order.. We will let you fill in the gaps as to what that might entail.

Until then, have fun!


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