
A New Era of Organic City-Building Simulation!

The 1.8.1 Update Is Now Live!

Greetings everyone!

Today we are proud to announce that Foundation’s 1.8.1 update has just landed.

Following a successful and mostly incident-less preview version, we’re releasing this content a bit ahead of time.

Let’s take a tour of the new and updated features, shall we?

Resource Tracker

The biggest and most exciting feature added to 1.8.1 is without a doubt our brand-new resource tracker tool.

It allows you to see where resources are located in your village by right-clicking on a resource icon from the info module, located at the top of your screen.

Left-clicking on the same resource will bring you to its associated entry in the Book, under the Trade tab. We are confident that this addition will make it easier to manage your village and its numerous supply chains!


Understanding Resource Icons

As we pointed out earlier, the resource tracker tool adds useful icons above entities in the world. They’re used for construction, storage, transport and production (input and output).

Here’s a quick definition of each icon type you will see in Foundation:

IconResource in storage
IconResource in transit
IconResource production input
IconResource production output
IconResource available for consumption
IconResource used in construction

Enhanced Construction Step Bundles

Another goal we’ve set ourselves for the 1.8.1 update was to achieve better HUD efficiency.

As of 1.8, we’ve added construction step bundles to Foundation. Since then, most buildings are built progressively. This feature adds a lot to the immersion and can even help you plan ahead as each step requires different resources. But we felt like there was room for improvement about how we communicated this information to you.

If you take a closer look at the above building panel, you’ll notice we now display ready-to-build bundles in the progress bar (second background layer). One of the pitfalls or the previous iteration of this feature was that it involved too much guessing. With 1.8.1, we felt the need to share more information about construction steps—clear the fog, in a way.

Modding Additions

Foundation’s mod scene is still going strong years after we first entered early access. True to our habits, we’ve worked closely with the modding community to fix bugs and crashes related to 1.8.1. But that’s not all: browsing the changelog reveals the newly added exposure of single-property types. Combined with COMP_SOLDIER, we can’t wait to see what modders will create next. As a reminder, we share our favorite mods here every Monday. The talent at work is nothing short of amazing!

1.8.1 Changelog


  • Add: Resource tracker (resource icons are shown above entities when right-clicked in info module)
  • Add: Resource tracker windows open entity panels
  • Add: Resource tracking button in the book (resources list)
  • Add: Shortcut from resources in info module to book
  • Add: Resource row highlight in the book
  • Add: Ready-to-build bundles are now shown in construction progress bars
  • Improve: Construction and Bailiff progress bars are no longer shown behind prioritize and cancel buttons
  • Improve: parts list and jobs ordering
  • Fix: color when conditions are met from green to gold (quests)
  • Fix: missing tooltip on delete savegame button
  • Fix: buildings generating resources have duplicated descriptions
  • Fix: missing localization on Controls window title
  • Fix: crash after building the Village Center is the Build menu was already opened
  • Fix: if there is at least one incomplete part in a multi-part monument when a reload is performed, all the parts that were previously completed will turn invisible (monuments)
  • Fix: walls disappear upon reload
  • Fix: Market Goods and Luxury tables are not unlocking
  • Fix: crash when building a village center
  • Fix: crash no crane on mineral deposit
  • Update: community localizations
  • Update: rename good and luxury market stall part set category


  • Expose single-property types
  • Fix: crash when spawning immigrant with job
  • Update: modding documentation

Polymorph Games


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